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Miniature Circuit Breakers BCL series

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Miniature Circuit Breakers BCL series
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Month of publication
Sep. 2022

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  • Japan
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Cautions for using "Company Information" and "Company Software"(License Agreement)

If you want to use technical documents, technical news, technical data, users guides, characteristic curves, outline drawings, CAD data, specifications, system implementations, users manuals and operation manuals (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Company Information") and various computer programs and software (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Company Software") provided by Fuji Electric Co., Ltd. and/or its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Company") through this web site, you shall agree with the following agreement.

  1. You can use "Company Information" or "Company Software" only when you are using Company's product or you are examining the use of Company's product.
  2. To use "Company Information" or "Company Software", you shall comply with the followings:
    1. You can view "Company Information" on your computer or print it for viewing purposes; provided, however, that "Company Information" (including its printout) shall not be reprinted, duplicated, modified or otherwise similarly treated in whole or in part without prior written consent from Company.
    2. You shall not use "Company Software" for any purpose, such as duplication (except for backup purpose), diversion, modification, reverse engineering and so on, other than its original purpose. However, to "Company Software" to which a document that describe license terms is attached, or for which a users manual or operation manual that describe license terms is separately provided by Company, such license terms shall be applied.
    3. You shall not transfer or lend to third parties, make available to transmit, distribute, permit third parties to use, provide for the purpose of the security, "Company Information" and "Company Software" and the right to use them granted to you hereunder.
    4. Notwithstanding the preceding Paragraph (2) and (3), you can copy and/or modify "Company Software" which is indicated as "COPY FREE" in its title and distribute such copied and/or modified software to third parties at your own responsibility.
  3. Company may change or modify "Company Information", "Company Software" or the appearance or specification and so on of Company's products uploaded in this web site without a notice.
  4. Copyright of "Company Information" and "Company Software" belongs solely to Company.
  5. Company assumes no liability for any damage that may be caused to you or any third parties as a result of your use or inability to use "Company Information" or "Company Software", whether foreseeable or not. Company makes no warranty that "Company Information" and "Company Software" do not or will not infringe third parties' intellectual property rights and that said information is fit for your intended purpose.
  6. Please read users manuals and other documents for "Company Software" or our products related to "Company Information" carefully before using such software or products and use such software or products correctly according to such documents. If you do not use such software or products correctly, it may lead to a serious accident.
  7. If you have any question or if you need more detailed information in the use of "Company Software" or our products related to "Company Information", please talk with the vendor from whom you purchased such products or Company.
  8. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Japan.
  9. For all disputes, controversies or differences which may arise between you and Company, out of or in relation to or in connection with this Agreement, "Company Information" or "Company Software", Tokyo District Court shall have the exclusive jurisdiction for the first trial; provided, however, that if you are a non-resident in Japan, such disputes, controversies or differences shall be finally settled by arbitration in Tokyo, Japan, in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association. The language of the arbitration shall be Japanese.

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